DutchDragons (181)
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DutchDragons offers India's highest Quality Racemic R/S-Isomer Ketamine!!
#keta #ketamine #racemic

DutchDragons offers India's highest Quality Racemic R/S-Isomer Ketamine!! You will not regret trying this outstanding pure ketamine! We can guarentee high quality because it's imported straight from India. Raw materials used: liquid R/S-Isomer Country of origin: India Stock: Unlimited Key words: * Fast Shipping * Amazing Products * High Level of Service * Full Escrow * Expert Knowledge * Best Stealth PM for more info. Please always read our profile page before you place any order. At low doses, Ketamine is a mild, if weird stimulant. At medium to high doses, it becomes a very powerful paralyzing psychedelic. The chemical structure of ketamine is a racemic mixture made up of two molecules, S-ketamine and R-ketamine. One way to think of the two molecules is like hands. They are mirror images of each other but can’t be superimposed on each other, just as your hands mirror each other but aren’t exactly identical. The two molecules bind differently with different receptors in your brain, helping to reduce symptoms of depression, including suicidality. Usually, a Ketamine trip only lasts between 45 and 90 minutes, regardless of dosage. The experience can be much shorter if you have high tolerance. The effects wear off very rapidly.
Refund policy

REFUNDS AND RESHIPS We know with our way of shipping and stealth almost everything will arrive without any problems. If it does not arrive in a rare case the following applies: Within Europe we take action 2 weeks after shipping date. Sometimes the post is slow for reasons we don't know. Out of Europe we take action after 3 weeks. So if your order is marked as shipped and you did not receive it within 2 weeks in Europe, or 3 weeks in the rest of the world, please contact us and we will work things out. Do not contact us within these terms, because we can only do something if the 2/3 weeks are passed. DON'T FORGET!! to extend the auto-finalize period so the order will not be finalized before you received it. When a package for some reason will not arrive we will try to solve it with a reship or in some cases a refund. On our standard listings we offer a 50% reship or a 50% refund. If reship policy on some listings are different we will add that in the listing description. On sample orders we can do a 25% refund or reship.