Wispa (950)
Total 15 Positive 15 Negative 0
United Kingdom
European Union
Platinum MDMA (HQ)
Available amounts

1g 12.55 USD  
3.5g 35 USD  
7g 62.45 USD  
14g 113.6 USD  
28g 209.65 USD  
56g 405.35 USD  
62.5g 425.6 USD  
125g 702.6 USD  
250g 1 USD  
500g 2 USD  
1kg 4 USD  

Platinum MDMA - Imported from the Netherlands European buyers: it is your responsibility to cover any customs duties that may be due for your package(s) upon arrival. Thank you for cooperating with us. MDMA use is popularly associated with dance parties, electronic dance music, and the club and rave scene. Researchers are currently investigating whether MDMA may assist in treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety in autistic adults,and anxiety in those with life-threatening illness. Subjective effects include stimulation, anxiety suppression, disinhibition, enhanced empathy and sociability, relaxation, and euphoria. MDMA is classified as an entactogen due to how it facilitates feelings of closeness with ones self and others. Tolerance to MDMA builds unusually quickly and many users report that it dramatically loses its effectiveness if used on a frequent basis. It is commonly recommended to wait one to three months between each use to give the brain adequate time to restore serotonin levels and avoid toxicity. Additionally, using excessively high doses and multiple redosing is highly discouraged as these are thought to significantly increase toxicity. Please visit https://erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma.shtml for all harm reduction and education needs.
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