TheSubGuy (95)
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SuperGREEN is one of the best Kratom Strains I have found for Energy AND VERY GOOD for MOTIVATION... It gives a VERY nice start to your day either via replacing your Coffee or having it after your Coffee and a nice BUZZ WITHOUT the jitters although Kratom is a HIGHLY INDIVIDUALIZED Strain so I do recommend trying MY personal favorite SuperWHITE OR SuperRED, SuperHYBRID As everyone is different even if you try a new Strain once a month if you cannot afford to make a BULK ORDER and simply try them all at once (FAIR ENOUGH) its worth gradually trying all to see what your "PERSONAL FAVORITE" might be it could be that you LOVE RED and hate GREEN or LOVE WHITE and think the others are great but you just MUCH prefer the SuperWHITE Strain... Experimenting is DEFINITELY worth it in the long run! *WARNING* (MAKE SURE WITH ALL KRATOM UNLESS ALREADY KNOWING YOUR PERSONAL KRATOM DOSE YOU BUILD UP SLOWLY AS IT BINDS TO A DIFFERENT RECEPTOR IN THE BRAIN TO TRADITIONAL OPIATES BUT ACTS AS AN OPIATE (WHICH IS WHAT MAKES IT SO DAMN EFFECTIVE AGAINST WITHDRAWAL... DO NOT BE AN IDIOT LIKE ME BACK IN THE DAY AND THINK THAT BECAUSE MY OPIATE TOLERANCE WAS HIGH I COULD SMASH 10G+ (ALL that will do is make you feel NAUSEOUS and in WORST CASE scenarios THROW UP WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY NOT THE GOAL SO IF A FIRST TIME USER GO WITH A MAXIMUM OF 3-5G BEFORE BUILDING UP TO HIGHER QTY'S IF NEEDED DEPENDING ON WHAT ITS BEING USED FOR... SOME PEOPLE NEED MORE, SOME LESS AS ITS SUCH AN INDIVIDUALIZED DRUG! This Drug if used appropriately (First time Users do not exceed 3-5G until Tolerance is built) And then you can figure out what your "Personal Dosage" and "Personal Strain" is after that... Kratom helps anywhere from lets see... Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, PTSD, Pain Relief, Energy, Stimulation, Sedation, Feelings of Well-Being, a nice "BUZZ" AND THE LIST GOES ON FOR A LONG TIME IF I had to LIST everything this Drug is capable of I'd be here ALL NIGHT... Seriously... Also full Disclosure when I used to be a Heroin addict I made the mistake of doing much more than recommended amount because I was told everyone had different Tolerances and mine would be MASSIVE I thought at the time but the BEAUTY of Kratom is that it BINDS to a SLIGHTLY different Receptor in the Brain so no Precipitated Withdrawals (For Suboxone users) and it WILL help with Opiate Withdrawal BUT if using to get off OPIATES TAKE YOUR TIME FINDING YOUR PERSONAL TOLERANCE LEVEL... Do not re-dose if feeling sick... You could just be feeling sick from the Withdrawal itself but not worth the risk, once you have found your Tolerance level you can go up and down with it... Low Doses give more of a Stimulant feeling whereas higher doses like 10G+ (Building up to it) more Sedative/Pain Relief however KRATOM is HIGHLY INDIVIDUALIZED so what may work for one Person may not work for another which is why I recommend people gradually try all Strains Kind Regards, TheKratomGuy MESSAGE FOR BETTER DEALS!
Refund policy

100% Reship or Refund if Tracking status is anything but "Delivered" (I burn Tracking Numbers after 14 days (Literally) so please ask beforehand if you have not received the Product for Tracking after 3 Business days and I will hand it out to you and if for whatever reason it does not land you get 100% Reship or Refund of the Product (Obviously I prefer to 100% Reship though)