ElizabethQueen2 (2384)
Total 75 Positive 75 Negative 0
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Available amounts

1x Pill 80mg Green 18.75 USD  
3x Pills 80mg Green 56.2 USD  
8x Pills 80mg Green 149.75 USD  
15x Pills 80mg Green 280.8 USD  
25x Pills 80mg Green 468 USD  
40x Pills 80mg Green 748.8 USD  
75x Pills 80mg Green 1 USD  
125x Pills 80mg Green 2 USD  
220x Pills 80mg Green 3 USD  
500x Pills 80mg Green 8 USD  
1000x Pills 80mg green 17 USD  
2500x Pills 80mg green 42 USD  
5000x Pills 80mg green 81 USD  

80mg Green Original Oxycodone in blisters **ElizabethQueen2** pills come straight from Pharmacy Original products in blisters and boxes this is a crashable and very strong. orders from 1 - 2000k pills will be accepted. there is nothing much to add to be honest because this is Pharma pills so you can get any information you need online. Thank you
Refund policy

ElizabethQueen2 takes extra care with packing and shipping all orders small and big, got over 5 years of experience and really working hard on creating a perfect system. ElizabethQueen2 can offer up to 50% refund policy in case there is any issues with the order. Thank you. E.Q.2